Friday, October 7, 2011

Praying for the Persecuted

Last week, I was once again reminded how much our brothers and sisters in oppressed countries need prayer. With the execution of an Iranian pastor that seems inevitable(if it hasn't happened already), we need more awareness of what goes on in other countries. My problems are so small. In fact, are they really problems at all? I encourage everyone reading this to visit the Voice of the Martyrs website here at Please request a free copy of Richard Wurmbrand's book Tortured for Christ. Also, you can request a free subscription to their monthly magazine. Please promote the awareness of the persecuted church.

It is a humbling thought to know that many persecuted Christians pray for us Christians in the free world. How humbling! How disgraceful to us American Christians that we cant pray for them. The gospel gets out by God's word being preached. When gospel churches are established, the preached word and the sacraments feed the people of God and the love of these people goes forth to their communities and their villages and cities.

Pray for them....the ones persecuted for the sake of Christ and His Gospel!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just A Few Thoughts

Well, I have had a rough week it seems. Things aren't going so well with my job and it seems like things are kind of caving in. But then I remember a little prayer I prayed not too long ago. I asked God to strip me of everything that was in the way of my being in the Pastoral Ministry. Since the time of my praying that prayer,  things have crashed at work. Now, don't get me wrong, I cant take this and say....."welp, God is doing this and that and this is His sign." It may or may not be. It may be just something that I hate that I'm going to have to endure. It may be a cross I have to bear for a certain time and somehow God will be glorified through it.

Lord, humble me through this.....I want you to be glorified.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen