Sunday, August 28, 2011

Return to Real Gospel Preaching!

There are many different interpretations of true gospel preaching. The most familiar form of what I have been associated with in Baptist circles is that of "fiery preaching." They say true gospel preaching is where you get a crowd excited and worked up and preach loud. Now, I am not against loud preaching, but gospel preaching as previously described was and is something that is associated with Finney revivalism and pietism. See, gospel preaching is not a form of speech but what you preach. Is the truth of Christ bearing the sin of rebels being proclaimed faithfully in your congregation? Not "you need to do such and such and then God will approve." No matter what form or how monotone or loud a preacher is, is that central truth being taught? Is it being taught that Christ's unmerited favor is given to those who believe? Is it being taught that Christ's righteousness is given to us as clothing to cover our filthy rags? Is it being taught that God the Father put our sin and hell on his son? This is the gospel. Is our evangelism reflecting this or are we aiming for quick decisions? Pastors and laymen alike, examine your preaching. Are you truly preaching the gospel? If you are not, maybe without even realizing it, please dive into Romans or Galatians and soak yourself with the gospel.

Soli Deo Gloria!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rule Keeping

For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin. (Romans 3:20, ESV)

So, it is has been a long time since I have posted. It's been nearly a month since my last post but things have been really busy. Last night, I had some conversations with a few people that I work with about Christianity. I found that both that I talked to, had one common objection to Christianity. The one thing was.........rules or legalism. My friend Emily said that her main objection to Christianity would be the rules. Now, if you notice the verse I put at the top of the post it tells us that no one will be justified by the law. Now, God has a law and it should be obeyed but, we cannot keep the law! When churches preach and teach rules, legalism, or moralism without any gospel, it leads people to utter despair. When you hear from the pulpits such things as "you can do better," "be a nicer person," "don't go to that place, it is sinful," "don't do that," "you have to do that," etc. We know that the law, or God's rules are meant to give us knowledge of our sin. The law, was not intended for us to keep and then we would be saved. God does not show any favor to anybody that tries to gain God's acceptance by keeping rules. So, should we not follow the law in our Christian life? No, that's not what I'm saying at all. But God's favor is with His Son. Jesus kept the law in it's entirety. He obeyed every last bit of it. He resisted all temptation to sin. He proved His deity. He lived on our behalf and kept the rules because we couldn't. He lived in our place but then died in our place and His shed blood is what justifies, sanctifies, and will glorify us! My charge to all of you(especially Emily), is don't rely on rule keeping. God looks at that as filthy rags. Look to Jesus! Look to the dying and bleeding Saviour for salvation. You cant keep the law. You're not good. I'm not good. Christ kept the law. Christ took upon your sin! Look outside of yourself and your goodness and look to His goodness and His cross and be washed in the blood!

Soli Deo Gloria!!!